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Understanding Prefab Instantiation and Parenting in Unity

In Unity development, prefabs are essential for creating reusable game objects. Instantiating prefabs at runtime allows developers to dynamically create objects within the scene. This article delves into what happens when you instantiate a prefab using Instantiate, where the instantiated object is placed, the implications of instantiation, and how to set a parent for the new instance.

What Happens When You Instantiate a Prefab?

When you use the Instantiate function in Unity to create an instance of a prefab, the following occurs:

  • Cloning the Prefab: Unity creates a duplicate of the prefab, resulting in a new game object in memory.
  • Returning a Reference: The Instantiate function returns a reference to the newly created instance, allowing you to manipulate it further in your scripts.
GameObject newObject = Instantiate(prefab);

Where Does the Instantiated Object Go?

By default, the instantiated object:

  • Hierarchy Placement: Is placed at the root level of the Hierarchy window in Unity, meaning it does not have a parent object unless specified.
  • Position and Rotation: Inherits the prefab's original position and rotation unless you specify new values during instantiation.
// Instantiate at the prefab's original position and rotation
GameObject newObject = Instantiate(prefab);

// Instantiate at a specific position and rotation
GameObject newObject = Instantiate(prefab, newPosition, newRotation);

The Impact of Using Instantiate

Using Instantiate has several implications:

  • Memory Allocation: Each instantiation allocates new memory for the object. Excessive instantiation can lead to increased memory usage and impact performance.
  • Scene Management: Adds a new object to the current scene. Without proper management, this can clutter the scene and make it harder to manage at runtime.
  • Performance Considerations: Frequently creating and destroying objects can lead to performance overhead due to memory allocation and garbage collection.

Setting a Parent for the Instantiated Object

To organize your scene effectively and maintain a clean hierarchy, you can set a parent for the new instance:

Methods to Set the Parent

  1. Using Instantiate with Parent Transform (Unity 5.5 and above):

    // Instantiate and set parent, retaining local position and rotation
    GameObject newObject = Instantiate(prefab, parentTransform);
  2. Specifying Position, Rotation, and Parent:

    // Instantiate with specific position, rotation, and parent
    GameObject newObject = Instantiate(prefab, position, rotation, parentTransform);
  3. Setting Parent After Instantiation:

    // Instantiate first, then set the parent
    GameObject newObject = Instantiate(prefab);

Understanding the Effects of Parenting

  • Hierarchy Structure: Setting the parent transforms the new object into a child of the specified parent, which is reflected in the Hierarchy window in the Unity Editor. This relationship is displayed as nested nodes.

  • Transform Inheritance: The child object inherits transformations relative to the parent:

    • Local Position: The position of the child relative to its parent.
    • Local Rotation: The rotation of the child relative to its parent.
    • Local Scale: The scale of the child relative to its parent.

Retaining World Position When Setting Parent

By default, when you set a parent using SetParent, the child's world position might change due to the parent's transform. To retain the child's world position:

// Set parent and retain world position
newObject.transform.SetParent(parentTransform, true);
  • worldPositionStays Parameter: The second parameter in SetParent, when set to true, ensures the child's world position, rotation, and scale stay the same even after re-parenting.

Benefits of Setting a Parent

  • Scene Organization: Grouping related objects under a common parent cleans up the hierarchy and makes the scene easier to navigate.
  • Transform Management: Moving or transforming the parent affects all child objects, which is useful for collective transformations.
  • Performance Optimization: Organizing objects hierarchically can aid in batching and other optimizations.

Best Practices

  • Manage Instantiation Frequency: Avoid excessive instantiation and destruction of objects. Consider object pooling for objects that are reused frequently.
  • Organize Hierarchy: Always set a parent for instantiated objects when appropriate to maintain a structured hierarchy.
  • Transform Considerations: Be mindful of local and world transformations when setting parents to ensure objects appear where intended.
  • Memory Management: Keep an eye on memory usage, especially when instantiating large numbers of objects.


Understanding how Instantiate works in Unity and the significance of setting a parent transform is crucial for efficient scene management and optimal performance. By properly instantiating prefabs and organizing them within the scene hierarchy, developers can create more maintainable and performant games.