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Understanding yield return null and the Use of Coroutines in Unity

In Unity development, you might often encounter the statement yield return null within scripts. This syntax is a fundamental part of Unity's coroutine system, which allows developers to execute code over multiple frames, making it easier to manage asynchronous operations and complex sequences. This article will explore what yield return null means, the use cases for this syntax, and why coroutines are sometimes preferred over the traditional Update() method for certain tasks.

What is yield return null?

In C#, the yield keyword is used within iterator blocks to provide a value to the enumerator object. In the context of Unity coroutines, yield return null tells the coroutine to pause its execution and resume in the next frame. Essentially, it allows you to wait for the next frame before continuing with the execution of the coroutine.

Understanding Coroutines in Unity

A coroutine is a special type of function that can pause its execution and yield control back to Unity but then continue where it left off on the following frame or after a specified condition is met. Coroutines are incredibly useful for:

  • Asynchronous Operations: Performing tasks that should occur over time without freezing the game, such as loading assets or waiting for events.
  • Sequencing Actions: Executing a sequence of operations that need to happen in order with delays or waits in between.
  • Optimization: Spreading out heavy computations over multiple frames to prevent frame rate drops.

To start a coroutine, you use the StartCoroutine() method, passing in the IEnumerator function that contains the coroutine code.

Why Not Use the Update() Method?

Unity's Update() method is called once per frame on every active MonoBehaviour. While Update() is essential for checking inputs, moving objects, or other frame-dependent operations, it might not be the best choice for managing asynchronous or multi-frame tasks for several reasons:

  1. Complex State Management and Logic

    • Manual State Tracking: Using Update() often requires manually tracking the state of asynchronous operations with flags and variables.
    • Cluttered Code: The Update() method can become bloated with conditional statements and checks, making the code harder to read and maintain.

    Example Without Coroutines:

    private bool isLoading = false;
    private AsyncOperation asyncOperation;
    void Update()
        if (isLoading)
            if (asyncOperation != null)
                // Update progress bar or loading UI
                float progress = asyncOperation.progress;
                if (asyncOperation.isDone)
                    isLoading = false;
                    // Handle post-loading logic
    public void LoadScene(string sceneName)
        isLoading = true;
        asyncOperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName);

    In this example, multiple variables and checks are required to manage the loading state, which can become unwieldy with more complex operations.

  2. Less Intuitive Flow Control

    • Disjointed Logic: The flow of operations is spread out and not necessarily executed in a sequential manner.
    • Difficult to Read: It's harder to follow the progression of events when they are handled across multiple frames using Update().
  3. Performance Considerations

    • Unnecessary Checks: Running checks every frame when they might not be needed can waste processing resources.
    • Scalability Issues: As your project grows, relying heavily on Update() can lead to performance bottlenecks.

Advantages of Using Coroutines

  1. Simplified and Readable Code Flow

    Coroutines allow you to write code that executes over multiple frames in a linear and readable way, similar to synchronous code.

    Example Using Coroutines:

    public void LoadScene(string sceneName)
    private IEnumerator LoadSceneCoroutine(string sceneName)
        // Start the asynchronous load operation
        AsyncOperation asyncOperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName);
        // Optional: Show loading screen or animation
        // Wait until the asynchronous scene fully loads
        while (!asyncOperation.isDone)
            // Update loading progress
            float progress = asyncOperation.progress;
            // ... Update UI elements here
            yield return null; // Wait for next frame
        // Post-loading operations
        Debug.Log("Scene loaded successfully!");

    In this coroutine, the loading operation and progress updates occur sequentially without the need for extra state variables or complex conditional logic.

  2. Better Control Over Timing and Execution

    • Waiting for Conditions: Coroutines can easily wait for certain conditions to be met without blocking the main thread.
    • Delays and Intervals: Introducing delays or intervals becomes straightforward using yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds).

    Example of a Delayed Action:

    private IEnumerator DelayedAction(float delay)
        // Wait for the specified amount of time
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
        // Execute action after delay
  3. Optimized Performance

    • Reduced Overhead: Coroutines run only when needed, unlike Update(), which runs every frame, potentially reducing unnecessary processing.
    • Non-blocking Operations: Long-running tasks can be broken up over multiple frames, preventing frame rate drops or freezing.
  4. Cleaner State Management

    • Less Boilerplate Code: By encapsulating logic within coroutines, you minimize the need for external flags and variables to track state.
    • Self-contained Logic: Coroutines can manage their own execution flow, making it easier to debug and maintain.

Use Cases for Coroutines

  • Asynchronous Scene Loading
  • Waiting for External Events or Conditions
  • Timed Sequences and Animations
  • Iterative Calculations Spread Over Multiple Frames
  • Non-blocking Delays

Best Practices When Using Coroutines

  • Avoid Infinite Loops: Ensure your coroutines have proper exit conditions to prevent them from running indefinitely.
  • Manage Lifecycle: Be mindful of when to start and stop coroutines, especially when dealing with object destruction or scene unloading.
  • Exception Handling: Incorporate try-catch blocks within coroutines if there's a risk of exceptions to prevent them from silently failing.
  • Resource Management: Clean up any resources or references if a coroutine is interrupted or halted unexpectedly.

What Does yield break Do?

  • Terminates an Iterator Early: yield break exits the iterator method (such as a coroutine) before it has iterated through all items or completed all its code.
  • Stops a Coroutine: In the context of Unity coroutines, using yield break will stop the coroutine immediately.
  • No Value Returned: Unlike yield return, which provides the next value in the sequence, yield break does not return any value; it simply ends the iteration.


While Unity's Update() method is essential for many real-time operations, it's not always the most efficient or cleanest way to handle asynchronous tasks or operations that span multiple frames. Coroutines, facilitated by the use of yield return null and other yield statements, provide a powerful and elegant solution for such scenarios.

By utilizing coroutines, you can write more readable, maintainable, and efficient code. They help in reducing complexity by eliminating the need for extensive state management within Update(), and they provide greater control over the timing and sequencing of operations.

Understanding when and how to use coroutines effectively can significantly enhance the performance and quality of your Unity projects. So next time you're faced with a task that involves waiting, delays, or multi-frame operations, consider leveraging coroutines to simplify your code and improve your game's performance.